Independent Kings
Date Owner Player Action
18.05.2022 19:45 [iK]Rustom async Got rank 4
17.05.2022 03:17 SideLo Slaash Joined the clan
15.05.2022 08:08 Wikkie. FameX Joined the clan
12.05.2022 18:07 Wikkie. _Wilson_ Joined the clan
12.05.2022 18:06 [iK]Rustom [iK]Suryavanshi Left the clan
08.05.2022 11:17 [iK]Rustom Wikkie. Got rank 5
08.05.2022 11:16 Salman Wikkie. Joined the clan
08.05.2022 11:07 Wikkie. Wikkie. Left the clan
08.05.2022 05:34 Wikkie. async Joined the clan
05.05.2022 18:05 [iK]Rustom Pachakili_Gamer Left the clan
05.05.2022 18:05 [iK]Rustom NAAI.KING[4]EVER Got rank 4
05.05.2022 18:05 [iK]Rustom Dhenmark Left the clan
05.05.2022 18:05 [iK]Rustom Template Left the clan
05.05.2022 12:51 Wikkie. thipish Joined the clan
05.05.2022 12:03 Wikkie. Mr.RusHeR Joined the clan